Monday, April 18, 2011

A New Year = New Blog

So it is a new year and a time to start fresh. I know we are five months into the 2011 but its never too late. Whether it be reaching a fitness goal, learning a new trade, giving up your favorite chocalate late night snack...... oh wait that was mine. But its never been a better time to start blogging again. This Lent I have given up more than one thing and have blessed to be in put in a position to lead and inspire those who either want a better lifestyle or are looking to get that extra push over their plateaus. So here we go. Stay tuned as I will give you the scoop on, nutrition, fitness, myths that tied with, and anything that I have going on. Did I mention I model and act. Peace to you and yours this Easter and whatever you do.........stay away from the cadbury eggs.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Rick Day shots

Here are some new shots from the very famous men's photographer Rick Day. His work speaks for itself.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Get Rich or Just Die........

     Ok I know the title might come off a little harsh, but the talk this week is about 50 cent losing over 45lbs in just 2 months for a movie role. Now based off what I titled this blog you would think that I am going to bash 50, but although I am an advocate for unhealth weight loss, I must give it to 50. If you ever had muscle and lost all of that hard work from an illness or change of lifestyle, you know how depressing this change can be.
     50 cent aka Kurtis Jackson, lost the weight to play a diagnosed cancer patient for his upcoming movie. Knowing the mental capacity one must go through to alter that kind of weight loss is definitely a feat in itself. So 50.....much respect to you for dedicating yourself to that role. But again for a couple of million Im sure anyone of us would have made similar if not drastic changes as well. Kudos to 50 and much luck to this rapper turned actor. 


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!

Being a Military Veteran, I would like to pay a sincere tribute to our men and women overseas. Come home safe. Happy Memorial Day!!!!!

Sneak Peak of Vovab Magazine's new issue

Check it out!!

Friday, May 28, 2010


The first topic of discussion is not about people hating but about people drinking. Gatorade, which is a popular drink advertised across the globe, is not better than water people. No mater what the movie "Waterboy" may have taunted, Gatorade(along with many sports drinks ie Vitamin Water or Powerade) is packed with just as much sugar as a can of soda. Now this drink is better than soda in the sense it refuels and restores electrolytes during and after a workout or sport but that is really the only time that you should be drinking it. Again if you are a member of the Hatorade club(those who sip on this throughout the day) switch to water, because water doesn't "really really suck".

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hey guys!!!! Welcome to my blog. This will be set as somewhat of a daily journal so that you can get all the new feeds on what it takes to be a model in NY. I will be talking about proper nutrition, training and relevant topics updating you on my daily life. Sounds very invasive but I want you to take a daily journey with the one they call Roman. Thanks for visiting. Stay tuned for more